Fantasy by Kelley Cole

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From Nashville, Tennessee, Kelley Cole sends us her compliments with her new single “Fantasy,” loaded with the heavy, heavy dose of pop we saw from her previous single, “Anyone.” Are you ready to receive it?

Through her single “Fantasy”, Cole emphasizes her color in the pop music scene in a distinct style, here she uses acoustic bass and pulsating kicks after a 10-second intro, to express in her impassioned voice that the goal of the song is that her boyfriend will not be suitable for her anymore, and ends With that screaming sound from inside the club’s bathroom after a crazy dance connection, a relationship in which the smell of masculinity dominates.

As the writer, producer, and solo performer of this track, Cole is enough to push you onto the dance floor, once you’ve got one thought in your head: “I’m done with this delusion”, the explosive drums accompanied by her heated sound will make you feel the beat in your chest, and when you arrive The song to the electric waves of the guitar then you are out of breath but trying to continue until the end.

Cole is different from St Vincent, Dua Lipa, and possibly Prince, as we can see shades of these artists in this song. However, it was implemented in Cole’s way.

In general, Kelley Cole succeeds for the second time with her new song “Fantasy” because of its strong lyrical content, outstanding music, and more than wonderful voice, I advise you to add it to your dynamic playlist.