Album: Son of Man of Chair by JSDavani


Washed-out suburban ambiance, JSDavani’s latest full-length release is a grandiose statement that showcases a stellar vision and execution from a truly unique artist .

JSDavani is Jacoby Davani, an American composer whose most ambitious product to date is the full-length we’re discussing today. Son of Man of Chair is a gorgeous collection of ambient pieces that run for an hour and ten minutes, totaling 15 pieces that range from the melodic, piano-driven ballads to non-discernable cloudy textures of musical pads that waft along in utter peace.

Mostly revolving around the vocal samples that Davani recorded of his family, which explains the comfort and familiarity with which those conversations flow. Jacoby in particular focused on his father Manochehr, around whom the name of the album is based, and the topics go from the mundane, to tales about Manochehr’s eventful life, having been born in Iran and migrated to start a family halfway across the globe, to philosophical discussions about life, time, and luck. While it is hard to focus on what is being said, the voices are intentionally glitchy and processed, but there is no denying that the ease with which those discussions flow help create an atmosphere of familiarity and ease.

I can not claim that Son of Man of Chair is a soothing listen. In spite of the wealth of warm, glitchy voice samples that remind you of old memories on VHS tapes stored somewhere in your mind, the gentleness of the pads and most of the harmonic choices on the album, to the serenity with which the slow piano melodies get delivered, there is a uniform sense of sadness running beneath these compositions. As if signaling the end of something, these compositions carry a sense of finality and desolation that makes them troubling, as well as utterly breathtaking.

The music is also sublimely produced. The sound of the album is arresting, and the quality of the mixes is terrific. A stunning showcase for Davani as a producer next to it being a showcase for him as a composer and as a musician with a vision and a direction. The album plays out like a series of old family memories one uncovered, and the accompanying music makes this discovery a solemn, yet comforting one. Davani exceeds the expectations with one beautifully put together album with a fantastic sound, setting an unforgettable mood.</span