Alto Key shares sheer beauty in emotive single ‘take what i can get’


Building an audience committed not only to his music but also his charming personality, Alto Key is a project that understands the meaning of a fanbase. Sharing videos across social media that share a look into the artist’s music and lifestyle, Alto Key has amassed over 1.8 million followers, alongside releasing genuine and heartfelt songwriting. 

The latest of these warming singles arrives from the tastemaker acclaimed performer as ‘take what i can get’, a piece of music that encourages reflection. Alto Key speaks to how self-consciousness can be your worst enemy when facing the challenges of the world. It’s clear in his delivery this is an honest representation of his life, but there’s no shaking its universal effectiveness, calling out to the pain felt by all people. 

This personal journey is performed over a vast acoustic soundscape, the pushed forth with deep bass lines, the plucky piano a naive forward charge, the youth left behind as the overwhelm surrounds it. The music is as captivating as you would expect from Alto Key, but he truly evokes every passionate emotion with the instrumentation alone, the poetry of the vocals a graceful bonus.

“‘take what i can get’ is probably my most raw song yet because it’s just me honestly spilling my feelings out in the song lyrics,” Alto Key shares “I talk about how I look. How I’ve felt pressure to not pursue my ambitions. Everything I’ve done to change myself to try be more successful. Whilst it was painful to write, it’s been very empowering for me getting it all out and I think its rawness will really resonate with people.”

Plus Music PR