The latest of Giack Bazz’s singles releasing for his upcoming studio album, a song by the name of ‘Get Together’, is a terrific blend of psychedelia and country that’s at once inventive and familian, to no end.
London-based singer and singer Giack Bazz has been extremely busy crafting a stellar body of intellectually and artistically distinctive music. Since 2018, Bazz has been developing a concept about computer music being translated into a rock music landscape, then arranged for an orchestra. Kind of walking backwards through history. ‘Get Together’ is the third album in a trilogy of records exploring this concept. The album is Bedtime Stories For Computers, releasing in the middle of November.
‘Get Together’ is a song that eloquently displays what Bazz’s music is all about. A litany of guitars coalesces into a sonically intriguing globe of sound that fully engulfs. A brilliant mix keeps all the woozy and hazy guitars in check, together with the trombones, flutes, and violins from the Orchestra Philharmonia del Teatro Comunale di Bologna blaring left and right in a barely controlled chaos that put to mind Radiohead’s Kid A and Amnesiac, and their glacial electricity to mind. The composition is simple and easy to follow, enjoyably melodic with an easygoing groove, but the intricate mix keeps things utterly and completely fresh for the song’s 6 and a half minutes runtime.
‘Get Together’ is an artful display of seasick rhythm guitars, plotted alongside a steady groove, a miniature ensemble, a wall of hazy droning, and an ocean of charisma to every single beat. A song that is lush, different, and exceptionally well put together.