Oh Well by Jay Wood


All the way from down under, Jay Wood hails from Australia and is connecting with the world once again through her latest single “Oh Well”…an emotional acoustic ride through great memories and endless greeneries…such a happy place to be…yes, but that happy place was after a long a grueling journey…let’s get to know more about Jay’s “Oh Well” and more about her extraordinary life.

After a car accident that nearly ended Jay’s life…she was lucky to have survived and went on a seven-year rehabilitation plan just to get back to the basics…learning how to stand, walk, play music…Jay is a role model in overcoming whatever comes your way, she could have easily stopped as many do…but she didn’t, she was extremely resilient, she stood tall in the face of life and pushed it away to make room for her own life and for the achievements that were to be…

“Oh Well” is the culmination of this journey…while the music is in a very happy place, the journey behind it was not that happy…and Jay’s message to the whole world through “Oh Well”-is that you too can do it, hope is there, march on…

Jay is very involved in being a huge motivator for people and sharing hope with the world…and we thank her for that.

On the musical side…it looks like Jay made peace with all that happened and put it behind her back…the music in “Oh Well” is very happy and hopeful, which is the message she intends to share with the world…but also that confirms that she is over her challenges and feels at peace.

The acoustic nature of “Oh Well” is like a very upbeat water-color painting that keeps on giving off happy vibes…Jay’s vocals are very reassuring and comforting, with a very catchy ‘oooh, aaah’ riff, she caught our hearts…

“Oh Well” sounds and feels very full and fulfilling…without cramming a lot of musical instruments, the sonic spectrum is perfectly balanced.

Jay, we find inspiration in your life and your art and we thank you for that.

Wishing you all the best in your personal and professional lives…you deserve it and a lot more. Cheers!



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Born in the 80s, attracted by the beats and feeds on music, the "Hamza Sharkas" is a musical-carnivore that uses guitars, piano and drums as his weapons of choice in hunting down and composing music, mainly for short movies, solo work and his other musical projects. The "Sharkas" also records, mixes and masters music. One of the goals of the "Sharkas" is to spread musical knowledge and music technology education as much as possible through workshops and online articles. Beware the "Sharkas"....for he won't shut up about music and will go on and on and on and on….