Old Feeling by DJ ZENAS


Dallas-based artist DJ Zenas is set to take the hip-hop scene into a new destination, especially since the summer is upon us and it is the perfect opportunity for him to leverage the occasion and take us on a new and unique hip-hop adventure.

His new song “Old Feeling” is a mix of the old and new of what hip-hop offers…and he wants to be present everywhere with that song, it is a song for many occasions…from BBQs to dance floors and everything in between.

“Old Feeling” is a chill hip-hop R&B experience…with smooth vocals and a very artful vocal flow…sonically it feels actually very cool.

Awesome samples and loops are present here…absolutely excellent structure.

It is truly a song for any situation…a very smart and artistic challenge that DJ Zenas has overcome in a very elegant and smooth way.

The song definitely has a very strong presence of both the old and the new…it feels like it has the DNA of some of the old-school producers like DJ Jazzy Jeff…now that I’m thinking of it…

“Old Feeling” could be the new, modern, and evolved “Summertime” experience that DJ Jazzy Jeff gave us years ago…this is evolution.

The sounds and instrumentation are also reminiscent of the old school time…

But what DJ Zenas is bringing to the table is the twist of modernizing the sounds and modernizing the vocal performance…taking advantage of modern musical and rhythmic patterns.

DJ Zenas is definitely on to something very unique here…and with his very charismatic presence, his star will only shine brighter with each passing day.

We can’t wait to see what DJ Zenas will come up with next for us…but we bet it’s going to be absolutely awesome.



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Born in the 80s, attracted by the beats and feeds on music, the "Hamza Sharkas" is a musical-carnivore that uses guitars, piano and drums as his weapons of choice in hunting down and composing music, mainly for short movies, solo work and his other musical projects. The "Sharkas" also records, mixes and masters music. One of the goals of the "Sharkas" is to spread musical knowledge and music technology education as much as possible through workshops and online articles. Beware the "Sharkas"....for he won't shut up about music and will go on and on and on and on….