SEXXXsorship by Canek


It’s not the robot you’ll hear when you hit the play button for “SEXXXsorship”, it’s the voice of French singer-songwriter Canek, and this is his new heavyweight single that he released at the end of June.

His passion for pop and electronic music made him mix the two, producing deep, audible synth notes. Canek can derail you in real-time for 3 minutes and 13 seconds with its robotic track, and put you in the middle of a chorus filled with oohs and oohs, only to find yourself dancing as you hug your girlfriend and put your hand around her butt.

“SEXXXsorship” speaks with a psychedelic performance that rejects what others see when talking about things still considered taboo like sex, some people want to silence you, because “what happens behind closed doors, It’s about lust”, here Canek wants to get her out of there to be in the front world and everyone.

Full of rebellion, lust, excitement, dance, love, and breaking societal taboos, this track contains truly amazing moments that will make you sing it over and over again after the song ends.

SEXXXsorship – MUSIC VIDEO Directed by French filmmaker and photographer Baptiste Charruyer, Canek himself is charismatic and fits the message the song wants to convey. The hero after Canek was the color red, adding an atmosphere full of passion and lust, associated with it, the designer LSM succeeded in employing movement and dark makeup with effects of visual effects masterfully completed the image to create a cinematic atmosphere dominated by sensations, to be nothing shocking or forbidden here about it.

“SEXXXsorship” was written, composed, and produced by Canek and produced by Italian producer Giandomenico Italiano, and if that’s not enough for you, wait for the full album to come out later this summer. So try to enjoy it and its warm atmosphere.