Uplifting americana and Shalliker’s soft, impassioned voice makes his latest single ‘Six White Horses’ a thoroughly pleasant journey from start to finish.
English singer and songwriter Al Shalliker has a sound that is deeply rooted in the blues and roots tradition, which he explored on his 2021 debut, and is once again diving head first into, in his upcoming studio album ‘The Diamond Hill’.
‘Six White Horses’ is a guitar based piece of songwriter folk pop. Rich strums accompanied by little more than Shalliker’s voice and a melodic bass line, ‘Six White Horses’ gallops along at a comfortable pace that is soothing. The hearty harmonica wails are charismatic and heartwarming, and the doubled acoustic solo is a moment of gentle, soft spoken triumph on this reserved and elegant piece.
With a wholly engulfing mix that is delicately balanced between its few moving parts, ‘Six White Horses’ is a song that’s simply gorgeous to listen to. Shalliker’s voice is lovingly strained and his performance is heartfelt, given the simplicity of the song’s few, memorable melodies.
A wonderful piece of music that got us more hyped for the upcoming album, ‘Six White Horses’ is open hearted and pleasant.