Sun by Jehnniel


Jehnniel’s 4th song ‘Sun’ is ethereal and grandiose. A piece of bold and open-hearted indie pop that continues to showcase Jehnniel as a standout talent with a great amount of promise.

Filipino in origin and based in London, Jehnniel is a singer and songwriter who is just breaking onto the scene of sophisticated and thoughtful pop, with ‘Sun’ being her 4th single to date. From a childhood where music was a necessity, it is easy to draw parallels to Jehnniel’s pop sensibilities when we know that she grew up surrounded by a litany of venerable figures and voices such as Bob Dylan, David Bowie, and Alanis Morissette. It is not a surprise that her singles have all been incredibly balanced displays of a sharp musical gift.

‘Sun’ is a great intro point to the confidently growing catalog of Jehnniel. From its uplifting chords and sparse, empowering piano arpeggios in the intro, ‘Sun’ takes nearly a third of its runtime to establish a harmonic base that’s airy and ethereal before launching its electronic drum barrage. The rest of the song is gripping, maintaining the same chord sequence with a more involved vocal performance that includes a catchy hook, alongside the dynamic and fast-paced groove. The results are a terrific drive and an instantly memorable atmosphere.

‘Sun’ is a capable continuation for Jehnniel’s musical journey. Optimistic by design, ‘Sun’ is fun and melodic, and really quite catchy.