The Rhythm Fills My Soul by ASTRALIX


Three unique musical talents gather around to create a new flavor and color in the music world…Astralix release their single “The Rhythm Fills My Soul”…a powerful upbeat, electro dance song with excellent musicality and perfectly balanced sonic experience.

Astralix is the brainchild of American artist Gary Dranow (The Manic Emotions)

His writing Partner, The Aussie artist Chris Zoupa and their also Aussie producer Loius Dupont…together they managed to create a unique color to their pop electro songs.

“The Rhythm Fills My Soul” is upbeat, powerful and filled with catchy melodies…whether you find yourself in the verse, chorus or bridge, you’ll always be greeted with an instantly hooking melody…add on top of that, the vocals are pretty amazing too, Malena-the singer-really did quite the excellent performance here.

The overall sound and vocal performance does have some retro-feeling touches, reminds me on an emotional level with some of the iconic hits of the 90s…but with a modern twist and I love how Astralix managed to combine between the retro and the modern, whether it’s the music composition, the production or the vocals…all the elements are completely new and fresh with a retro heart, brilliant.

“The Rhythm Fills My Soul” is a song to move to…it will make you move.

We wish the three amazing artists all the best and hope to experience more of their unique musicality.
