Josh Tepper has been releasing one hit after another, he’s further expanding his winning streak with his latest single “Built Me”…a straightforward pop song that penetrates the soul on so many levels.
The New York-based artist has once again proved that ability to create a sense of musical belonging for his melodies, his melodies can instantly get glued to your ears and your memories…and maybe, that can’t be said more than “Built Me”.
The music is extremely catchy, the guitar/synth arpeggio that starts with the song and keeps its presence all throughout the song is just musical perfection…add on top of that the vocal melodies and you’ve got yourself 2 songs in 1.
The vocal melodies and flow are one of the highlights of the song’s musicality.
Instant catchiness and naturally flowing through our ears, we got hooked.
Tepper now has 8 singles. His latest 2 releases before “Built Me” were “Eyes of Jezebel” and “Guide Me Meron”.
Josh Tepper will be performing at Rockwood Music Hall on Manhattan’s Lower East Side on November 1st.
“Built Me” was recorded in Los Angeles, written and produced by Abe Stewart, with lyrics by Jordyn Dodd-Waddington and Josh Tepper.
Wishing all the best to Josh and the team, we can’t wait to hear what comes next from the awesome artist.