Reprogram Me (From Non-Player Character the Musical) by Brendan Bradley


Imagine sitting at home and you want to experience a Broadway musical LIVE through your web browser with a video game edge, sounds crazy, doesn’t it? Well not anymore, Bradley’s latest project made it possible.

Brendan Bradley is not your ordinary artist, he’s a visionary artist who is a leader and a visionary in virtual technology. He is also a multi-award-winning actor and creator with the international title of “America’s Scrappy Storyteller” given his leadership in virtual reality live storytelling.  

Now the artist just released his latest track “Reprogram Me”, and I can’t say it’s something you’ve encountered before. It’s a song, workshopped and performed in virtual reality, so what’s so special about it? it was performed LIVE virtually. I won’t deny It took me a while to wrap my head around the new yet innovative concept but bear with me, it gets more interesting. As the artist explains the concept of the musical: “A non-player character in a fictional video game witnesses the death of the Hero and turns to the audience to navigate the five stages of grief (represented as five virtual worlds).” It’s the first of its kind; a musical theater soundtrack performed live in virtual reality. The project was supported by the Museum of Science as they provided him with the theater to test his prototype. James Monroe, producer at the museum announced how much they value this project, and they see it as “an intersection between art, science, and technology combining immersive VR filmmaking and live theater” 

To help get a better understanding of such remarkable innovation, check out the artist’s Instagram account where you’ll find videos and reels of the artist demonstrating his concept by using a special headset and a VR to showcase his character virtually and the change of his voice in virtual reality.

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