Sangue Latino by La Palma


Do you remember being a child? Innocent times. Not a care in the world. Totally oblivious to what anything really means. Just a vessel for collecting memories for eventual nostalgia.

Chris Walker of La Palma does. La Palma is a DC-based duo, and this is their cover of the Latin classic ‘Sangue Latino’. Rather than forge an all-new path, La Palma chose to walk close to the original one, and add a few odds and ends here and there to make the ride a more fresh and modern one.

Chris’s mom is a Brazilian, and he used to listen to this song all the time growing up. His take is decidedly more otherworldly. The Far more chill vocals and the earthy chirps and effects add a considerable warmth, alongside a massive bass line that’s unchanged from the original, they all add up to create an experience that’s warmer, more grounded, and soothing.

Taking and redoing a piece of art that you have a soft spot for must always be exhilarating. Add to that an artistic vision that can actually add something and not just be a blind repetition, and you end up with a brilliant cover that’s respectful to the original’s charm while retaining its own unique color. Beautiful.