Take It to The Floor ft. Steven J. Collins by Lacañgan


The San Diego-born artist and entrepreneur Lacañgan is multidisciplinary to put it slightly. Acting writes songs, produces them, gigging, and dedicates time to his business. It’s safe to say that most of us could use a lesson or two in time management from Lacañgan. What we’re concerned with though is his music-making abilities, which are on display in his latest musical offering, Take It To The Floor.

Featuring x3 Grammy nominee Steven J. Collins, Take It to The Floor promises nothing more than solid danceability. If you want a dance, this song will give it to you, readily. Such a shame, as Lacañgan could have easily betted far more than just a solid dance with this song. The production is certainly the brightest star in an ensemble of stars here. Warm, boomy bass knits the whole song together, swiftly shifting from funky syncopated riffing to tight melodic playing. The composition is heartfelt and endlessly emotional, making use of cliché progressions that perfectly fit the role. The singing and melodies are also quite sweet and show solid singing talent, proving Lacañgan to not only be multidisciplinary but also multi-talented.

Take It To The Floor can surely get your body moving on the dancefloor, and in this regard, Lacañgan delivered on his promise. But Take It To The Floor can also make you bob your head in contemplation over its melodic sections, and in admiration of how well put together, it is in all the other sections. A sweet, soulful, and funky gem.