Volition by LazerBeam The Legendary Cold Survivor

Struggle City Publishing

Floating around the world with the idea of having many choices and experiences, and the power to go through whatever life throws at you, it’s important to believe that utmostly you must think for yourself, the new song ‘ Volition’, will tap into this notion with a long story of one conversation with a rapper LazerBeam the legendary cold survivor. The song dropped on the 20th of December, from Tacoma, US. Using an iPhone 8’s and recording in his one-bedroom apartment, you could really feel the passion and effort Maurice Berry is doing to express his true emotions and become a full-time solo artist. He has done everything from A-Z on his own to make this track become real.

With raw feelings and good intentions, Maurice really puts his heart and soul into his bars on this song. He aims to make everyone feel that they’re not going through life alone with all its hardships and endless possibilities. The soundscape is a slow hip-hop beat, with a clear focus on storytelling and serious rhymes. The overall sound of the song is smooth and simple, with not much moodiness, and a lot of textured vocals that give the song a special taste. There is a subtle bass and a light synthy sound effect that is on a loop. In the song, there’s a casual introduction of what seems to be violin sound effects that give off a daunting vibe. The raps Maurice are clear, and strong and show a lot of concern about the world we live in. This is a great outtake from LazerBeam on the human experience and we’re excited to see more.

