ævina’s poetic songwriting has been without new life since the release of her single ‘daily dose of danger’ in 2021. Now, the track is re-unveiled with vast visual storytelling. The eerie, other-worldly sound now finds its maker, the Ukulelian, a character of ævina’s creation that defies the industry’s conventions.
It was after rediscovering some of her original music that ævina’s creativity was re-fired, she simply could not go without sharing her songwriting. With collaborators in both her sister and Michael Rachlin, ævina seeks to challenge the status quo and bring individuality to the centre.
The music video for the twinkling, eerie sounds of ‘daily dose of danger’ embodies this new, unfiltered creative direction. Chopped-up footage sees the Ukulelian emerge into the world, attempting to understand the space into which they arrive. Provoking, haunting, and yet slightly elegant, it’s a video your eyes will be transfixed by.
Explaining the character at the centre of her new sound, the artist shares, “The Ukulelian is my brainchild, designed as a rebuttal to the pervasive perfectionism / elitism I’ve come up against in the music scene. I stand behind the ukulele on a philosophical & spiritual level. While it is often maligned for being out of tune or too easy, I argue that imperfect music is oftentimes even more compelling than its polished counterparts. I find it to be a virtue that the ukulele is easy (read: accessible) and I frequently find myself proselytizing on her behalf. There is no more potent antidepressant on the market.”