Dead Man’s Tale by Jefferson Parish


The latest single from Jefferson Parish is called Dead Man’s Tale and it tells the story of two best friends traveling together and going on a crazy adventure together. Let’s dig deep and see what this single is all about.

Starting from the artwork, the title, and the first note in this piece you’ll be feeling the vibe. wearing your cowboy hat, your trench coat, and having your gun in hand, you’re the sheriff of this town and no one can break the law, or at least that’s what I felt while listening to this piece. With a very low tone on the vocals along with the funky chords and the unique choice in percussion, this song has it all. I loved the balance in style between the nostalgic and modern elements that this song is filled with. It’s not Old Town Road, but it’s not the theme from The Good The Bad, and The Ugly either. Parish knows exactly how much is too much when it comes to using a certain aesthetic, especially that it’s present in the song’s accompanying music video as well. When the reverb of the guitar solo hits you gotta know it will take you to a different dimension. A very nice treat to all generations if you ask me, I really loved it and I’m looking forward to hearing more from Jefferson in the future.