Everyone has a different kind of light, creating an aura around them that makes us gravitate towards them. With her new single, “The Nice Guy”, GEENA GANGI tries to draw our attention to her and those who shine but with a very different.
Through her song that she recorded with Berklee alum and Sam Steele in Los Angeles, she first sheds light on her to see how beautiful this type of singing is, being simple but attractive, and how subtle and precise she is in choosing melodies and words, and secondly she highlights what we can call false luster People who glow with a false glow, appearing in an appearance that reflects qualities and character that do not exist in them, they encourage us not to bear the falsehood of others, no matter their position in our lives.
When GANGI wrote her song, she aimed to touch your soul with her warm voice, in harmony with the intimate and sensual rhythm. It feels like a romantic drama movie about emotional manipulation and shock from the truth. Through gentle music, you are sent floating on a cloud of romantic rebellious feelings that spur revenge on the deceitful partner.
The music in “The Nice Guy” sounds fast and this fits with the feelings carried by the words. When you discover the truth, you have to quickly go back to square zero. GANGI succeeded in employing the rhythm of ALTERNATIVE POP music to express what is on her mind to touch a distant point in the depths of our minds It was light and realistic, giving way to an intense emotional blow that comes from softness.
GEENA GANGI is an aspiring artist with a lot of creativity. If this is her first solo work, we are facing a talent that will put herself firmly in the music world, so if you are one of those who have been going through emotional experiences lately, put her new song “The Nice Guy” on your favorite playlist while you work.