Free Girl (Ben Casey Remix) by Kellan.


Seattle’s very own Kellan. returns with a modern funk banger that does not relent

Kellan & Matt Vergara have been making music together for a while now, having met and started their musical journey while attending college together. Their sound is basically peppy, lush, Pop that’s sometimes dreamy and open, other times funky and danceable. Free Girl is off of their latest EP, titled Push Pull, and it falls more towards the second category.

Ben Casey’s Remix is ultra clean. Neat production, striking sampling, and dazzling quality are all things that I can use to describe the sound on this release, the effect though, leaves a lot to be desired. Ben Casey’s ambition seems to have been to turn the song completely into its funkiest face, and to do this, he resorted to not leave a single moment unprocessed. Each bar is altered in a way or another. Heavy sidechain compression quickly becomes a sensory burden, the endless clicky claps that are hard panned, the infinite layers of glittery effects that fade in and out at a fast pace, and the beats that seemingly change every half a verse are all things that make this remix feel less focused and musical than the original


Kellan’s Free Girl is a fun Pop song with a lot of lyrical and vocal charm, beautiful production and a massive potential for Funk, and Ben Casey’s Remix adds very little to further any of this. I’ll be dancing to the original over this anytime of the day.