Masochist Daydream by Kid Lazuras


Do not be intimidated by the threatening title. ‘Masochist Daydream’ is a sweet listen that packs a musical and lyrical punch that displays the sublime musical vision of its creator. Kid Lazarus continues to push themselves as one of Britain’s more noteworthy new artists in the spotlight now.

Based in Bristol, England, Kid Lazuras’s eclectic sound carries from a varying range of influences. Blending things from indie pop, shoegaze, new wave, and post punk, it is easy to justify the attention Kid Lazuras has been receiving from the release of their last album Utopia. A singer and a songwriter, the 24-year-old Kid Lazuras has a unique sound that is -on ‘Masochist Daydream’- dreamy and effervescent.

Supported by a percussive and airy piano part that strikes the healthy sounding chords, played in tasteful, unfamiliar voicings and inversions, Kid Lazuras features a female voice for ‘Masochist Daydream’, and the coupling, he says, “emphasizes the distinctions between our inner voices”. Big talk? Kid Lazuras has basically set out to create a sound that displays our inner struggles, which he mirrors in the lyrics as well as he does with the coupling of male and female voices. Kid Lazuras’s beautiful, mid-air composition stays the star of the show, with the decision to put such potent and contemplative topics against music that sound this hopeful and open being a bold and distinctive choice throughout the song.

A beautifully poignant piece of ambient, indie pop that bends conventions and continues to prove that the music Kid Lazuras is capable of is something sensational.