In order to make music in the Rap scene that resonates with the listener, you need to craft catchy beats and have a sincere message. The rapper, Eli Montanna, is clearly going this way because he’s rich in both musical and spiritual manners. His single “Rich” is a way to see his skills as an artist and his aspirations as a heart-warming human being.

“Rich” has bouncy beats and superb performance, but it also has a warm vibe that makes you feel you’re not alone. The song inspires one to dream, envision a better future, and recognize genuine blessings and what truly matters.

All of the elements are structured in an upbeat fashion to both clarify ELI’s purpose and boost your down-soul and give you a spark of hope. The dope production by Native has captured the nostalgic and daydreaming senses.

Eli’s rapping is uplifting, and he has a soaring-into-my-dreams attitude in his raw, delicate tone. His storytelling takes you to the streets he grew up in, into the memories he has in mind, and into the desires, he has in his heart.

The music video will take you on a sentimental tour and make the story lying within the soulful lyrics burst into life. It’s a tour around his neighborhood and his heart. The video has a mural of the rapper Nipsey Hussle, who was shot and killed in 2019, and the sensitive artist was influenced by his story to create the single’s theme. It also has ELI’s taking from the heart at the end, elaborating on what he means by “Rich.”


Maybe the pre-hook says, “I can’t wait till I get rich,” but it’s crystal clear that ELI MONTANNA has a rich talent and a rich heart. I guess all that is left is to be rich money-wise. With him grinding harder and dropping tunes like “Rich”, he’ll break through and have them in no time.