EP: Again Begin by JSDAVANI


Storytelling could be achieved through many artistic mediums…

…a picture could tell a story…

…a melody could do the same…

…and I’m not talking about simple, straightforward stories here, I’m talking about intricately designed tales, adventures…stories with an arc and development…

If you’re one to look out there for this kind of medium of sonic storytelling, you’ll appreciate JSDavani’s latest EP “Again Begin”…it’s a journey, built with sound elements…underlying melodies and a lot of passion for telling evolving stories.

“Again Begin” is an EP with 5 evolving tracks that tells stories…there is a theme that JSDavani had in mind while creating the EP and it is, as the artist describes….

centered around the conflicted nature of unhealthy relationships, where both passion and logic fight to the death

…however, I personally believe that one of the most magical aspects of music is the freedom you can enjoy when listening to it and making up stories as you’re experiencing it…

So that opens up another huge door of creative possibilities, making you, the listener, as a collaborator…crafting stories that are close to your heart, or to your life experiences…it’s endless…and each one in the world will have a unique story in their minds…a story that originated from JSDavani’s music and using the music also as a catalyst.

JSDavani is based in the United States and this is not his first bout releasing albums…and he seems intent on making his unique signature sound and storytelling approach, it’s clear also how he’s evolving since his last album “imaginary vowels”…

Entering into “Again Begin”…you’ll be treated with the first track “A.) Brief, 2.) Breathe, C.) Mantra”…it acts as a portal to the world of storytelling that JSDavani has created for us to venture into…and it’s dreamy, hypnotic, chill with strong storytelling elements and evolving sonic landscapes that develop and evolve as characters in a story would do the same.


The album continues to keep us engaged with this very specific and unique approach of hypnotic and surreal music across all tracks…which is something that the artist has spoken about…he wanted to create 2 different experiences with the same album.

The first experience is to go with the flow and absorb the story that is intricately laid out between the different musical and sonic elements and spread across the album…

The second experience is to be a sonic bubble around anyone who wants an ambient musical background to their lives while focusing on something, maybe studying, maybe creative work…it could be anything…

“Again Begin” will hook any surreal/ambient storytelling music lover out there…we got onboard the album and enjoyed our dreamy trip…looking forward to new adventures to embark on from JSDavani.

JSDavani, wishing you all the best in the world.



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